The Tigers are 0-7.
Baseball is funny like that. Two years ago, you knew the Tigers wouldn't completely suck like they had for the last 20 years or so, but you had no clue that they would go to the World Series. This year, everyone KNEW that they were headed to the postseason. 0-7. They stink. They don't field, pitch, run bases well, and they don't hit. How can they not hit. Their lineup is actually better than many all-star game lineups. It's like Nintendo lineup central, but they can't hit. Why? I wish I could understand, and I hope it changes, but goodness, they stink. I am not happy. In other news, Jena and I made it to our first game at Nationals Park, and while the game was kind of a stinker (10-7 loss to the lowly and no-name Marlins), and the weather was worse (42 degrees and wet), the stadium is A HUGE IMPROVEMENT over RFK. The seats were comfy, and angled towards the action. The concourses are wide. Bathrooms and concessions are all over, and easily reachable. It's no Camden Yards, but it compares favorably with, say, Citizens Park in Philadelphia. The scoreboard is AMAZING. The sound system is about 20 times better/louder/clearer than RFK. All in all, they made some great strides. It validated our decision to pick up a 20-game package at the list minute.
Two complaints about the game:
Red, Hot & Blue: Sucked at RFK - everything was always cold, and the people were complete idiots that worked there. Still sucks at the new park (worse even)? It's more expensive, and they ran out of baked beans. So 10.50 for a so-so lukewarm sandwich, and they were out of a side, which is forgivable, except THE PARK WAS HALF FULL AND IT WAS ONLY THE THIRD INNING. Hmm. Bad planning. Won't be going back there for anything any time this year. Disappointing because we really enjoy the actual Red Hot & Blue restaurants.
Aramark (or whoever runs all food concessions): Since we couldn't get our baked beans, we checked out Noah's Pretzels. Pretty reasonable, relative to the golden $10.50 sandwich, was a $4 pretzel, and it was really good, especially when compared to the hopelessly dry and cardboard-esque $4.50 pretzels that they served up at RFK. We got a soda, but they had NO LIDS AND NO STRAWS. Now, I am no rocket scientist, nor do I consider myself an expert in food service, but how do you not have about 1 billion straws and lids sitting around just in case you need them? It's not like they go bad. No excuse. Did I mention that it was only the third inning? At a half-full game? Bad Bad Bad.
Anyway, I trust that Stan K. and his cronies will get this straightened out, and maybe they can just evict Red Hot & Blue in favor of a second Ben's Chili Bowl location, but all in all, it was a good night. The parking people in lot M were actually FRIENDLY. The ushers too! Such a far cry from the hostile staff at RFK. Well done, Nats. Now start winning! My teams have a combined 12 game losing streak. Unawesome.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
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