def readFeed( url )
def xmlFeed = new XmlParser().parse(url);
def feedList = []
(0..< {
def item =;
RSSFeed feed = new RSSFeed( item.title.text(),,
item.description.text(), item.pubDate.text() )
feedList << feed
Yep, that's it. One line to pull back the feeds. The iterator, and one line to create my RSSFeed object. Then add the feed to a list, and return the list to your controller. In 25 minutes, I have a feed reader application that's basically functional, taking a feed as an input, and returning a page that displays the post title linked to the post, and the posts contents and date. All of life should be this easy.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Consuming RSS Feeds with Groovy/Grails
Building off of my recent post about RSS Feed parsing using the ROME Library, I had an idea for a fun application to build using Grails. The first part of this application, which I'll share when I am done, is the part where we read the feed. Now, the last time I did this in Java, it was pretty easy to do, but man, this is just a little bit better:
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