Saturday, July 31, 2010


Let's talk about family.  My grandparents are 94 and 92, and still going.  They live by themselves.  They take care of themselves.  They sometimes complain about how badly they are doing, but I can name multiple couples one third of their age who aren't doing as well as they are!  My grandfather has good days and bad, and my grandmother has short-term memory issues, but really all in all, they are both really still rocking.  I talked to them today for half an hour, and afterwards, I was hit smack in the face with one of those 'wow am I blessed to have these people in my life' moments.  They have been married now for more than SEVENTY years.  They are amazing people who have been a part of so much, and who have so many amazing stories.  They are 'unconditional love machines', who just amaze me with their capacity to be proud of and kind to their family.  They are so positive, so caring, and so full of love.  It's really quite refreshing.

Thanks Grandma and Granddaddy for being an inspiration.  We all love you a ton!

Friday, July 2, 2010

UberConf, Days 2+3

After a great day one, we were looking forward to another great, long day, and we weren't disappointed.

Scala for Java Programmers - Day 2 started with a fun Scala workshop by Venkat Subramaniam that spanned two sessions.  This was extremely hands-on, and very worthwhile.  I learned enough about a language I have had interest in for a while to get started on my own, and got a nice little dose of Computer Science and compiler fun too.  My only complaint here was that we spent too much time using closures and Scala syntax craziness to write code in one, perl-ish, unreadable line.  We should have used the time writing 'terse' obfuscated code playing more with Scala parallel programming.  Actors are nifty, and it's amazing how clearly you can express complicated multi-threaded program flow.  If I had access to this goodness, I can think of one project I did at Blackboard that could have been written in half the time, in 1/5 the LOC, and in a much more readable and intuitive way.  Hindsight is 20/20, I suppose, but man that made me burn a bit.

Emergent Design - After lunch, we attended Neal Ford's talk on emergent design.  This was a good talk, mostly because Neal Ford is a good speaker, but I wouldn't say this was anything new.  No big design up front, test first, don't solve problems that don't yet exist, as this leads to heaps of code debt.

Stability Antipatterns - This was a workshop by Michael Nygard about common antipatterns you see as it relates to stability - this was more on the operations and integration level than at the code level, and had a fair amount of good tips for things to remember - mostly how to keep your application from dying because there is an external resource that you don't control that is failing.  Some of the horror stories he shared were hilarious, and some you could totally see happening to you (if they hadn't already).  Good session.  Good reminder of things to consider that often fall by the wayside.

On to Day 3, which was kind of disappointing.

Implementing Domain-Driven Design - I was excited about this one because DDD is one of those things you always hear about, but never really get.  After the session, I still didn't really get what the big deal was - drive the design of your application by the real-world domain.  Seems pretty simple to me.  What wasn't simple was the 100 slides of UML class diagrams the presenter used to demonstrate DDD.  Yikes, not that awesome.

SOLR - A Case Study - This was an interesting enough presentation, as Solr is something that we are evaluating.  I learned enough to know that we didn't really need to do this right away, but not much more.  It wasn't really a case study.  What I would have liked was either, Solr real-world example, or Migrating from Lucene to Solr, but alas we didn't really get either.  It was still a good presentation though, just not what I was looking for.

Android Mobile Development - Gah!  Fail!  This could have been a great way to close things out, but the presenter instead did the presentation completely out of order, gave nobody any opportunities to code, and was just generally all over the place.  I was at least able to use the time to make my way through some of the Android tutorials that Google provides.  Man what a bummer.