Friday, September 4, 2009


Ernie Harwell has incurable cancer.

This is awful news. For anyone who counts themselves a rabid baseball fan, Ernie Harwell is a household name. He is a Hall of Fame broadcaster who endeared himself to Tigers fans throughout the years with his 42 years of wonderful play-by-play, captivating stories, and that voice that was made for radio.

I spent many a night listening on the little beat-up Zenith my dad bought when stationed in Korea, as Ernie guided us through the game, never talking too much, never too little, always letting the game and park speak through the radio. My father and I listened most every night to those games. I was allowed to stay up way past my bedtime those nights. Ernie Harwell was a huge part of many of my fondest memories growing up. It's not often that 'celebrity news' really upsets me, but this article definitely caught me.

Every year at the beginning of spring training, Ernie Harwell would open the broadcast with this quote, from Song of Solomon:
For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
Thank you for everything, Mr. Harwell. I hope your remaining time here is wonderful as can be, and that you will enjoy all that you deserve after you leave us.